In a city rich with desirable neighbourhood’s, the West End continues to distinguish itself as one of the best, attracting an eclectic mix of the most discerning Glaswegians. Its distinctive streets are home to some of the city’s finest restaurants and bars while a leisurely stroll will uncover world class art galleries, and unique independent retailers. The West End is whatever its residents need it to be: a glamorous location for exciting nights out with friends; a family-friendly setting for a walk in the Botanic Gardens; or a place of quiet repose to be savoured with a cup of coffee and a good book. Whether sitting at your favourite table in The Ubiquitous Chip, watching a late night film in The Grosvenor or simply strolling the side streets on a Sunday afternoon, this is the classic West End experience. Living here, Dalrymple residents are just steps away from everything. From green spaces to eating and drinking places, the options are endless.

The dynamism and energy of the city revolves around you, as easy accessibility to transportation takes you anywhere in the city your heart leads you.

Register Your Interest

Dalrymple Residences ~ 15 Stunning, 2 & 3 Bed Apartments

Dalrymple Villas ~ 5 Contemporary Mews Homes

For further details please contact Sandra McGuire:

Tel:  0141 222 1491
Email: info@landshomes.co.uk

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